Have your young children lost someone close to them and you weren’t sure how to talk about it? Books can help introduce tough topics, and here are a few that really helped my family as we adjusted to life without my son.
Hi! I’m Elizabeth and thank you for visiting. I write about my kids, my home, my grief, and creating a Purposeful Home. Welcome to Finding My Purpose!
All in Books
Have your young children lost someone close to them and you weren’t sure how to talk about it? Books can help introduce tough topics, and here are a few that really helped my family as we adjusted to life without my son.
When I started thinking about developing a children’s book series late 2017, I jotted down a list of possible stories and where I thought it might go. And I knew I wanted it to reflect and pull from our own experiences as a family and Ben’s personal experiences, honoring him and his time here.